To start of writing this I just tried googling “what is love” the wiki link said “Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection; and "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another” people is love might accept this, and people out of love might not. Love to me is more than what a combination of 26 alphabets can define it.
Love and electricity has something is common. It’s around you ; you might not care about it at all, but when it’s not there you feel the pain , and it’s real hard to live without it. The word as such is marketed well so that people don’t understand what it really means. Love for most of us just reminds of valentine’s day, and that is the extent that the external factors have influenced it.
With the rising popularity of facebook and the number of people using it , the relationship status update has become a huge issue.  We all must have seen a 11year old guy or a girl updating from “single “to in a relationship” and then goes 100’s of comments and “like”. The fact is it’s a crush with mutual consent. If both people agree that they like each other do not make it love in any way.  And another scenario is a “single” person is regarded looser in many people’s dictionary. Sometime the person himself feels so. Twitter is also no far behind when it comes to relationship quiries. #whatmenwant was one of the trending topics that I tries to track, and my initial statement about girls not thinking about relationship was proved wrong in here. But a small change here was, most girls here were dumped, back being single or caught their BF’s caught cheating. The tweets were more of the same “why do men always need photo’s of girls who they meets online” and various other stuff that guys generally don’t care about. More than the question some of the replies were remarkable. One it goes “we can’t see your brains so we ask for a pic”. Remarkable isn’t it.

The changing economy of a country too has to do something to this. With more money pouring into pretty young people’s pockets they try to spend it in all way they could. Time passes, they get bored. People get noticed with the expensive things hanging around them. Usually this is mistaken for crush which eventually unfolds to love and breakup. And these are the kind of people think “more money more honey”. Money could be a criteria some get to meet some great people but they only holding as a single criteria would be a point of great debate always. A true friend will never look into your pockets before looking at you which some would realize. So winning over love with money would be a handy plan, which is not worth it.  But I don’t blame guys for this want to know why, just ask the girl beside you what would she be looking in a guy. she would think for a minute , or even she might not and she would go , “ handsome , god job ( basically with enough money to buy her whatever she points to) then you hear is BLA BLA BLA…… ” so next time girls when you see a guy showing off his branded stuff don’t get annoyed someone among you have changed him so.

Everyone likes being loved, and that is an indisputable fact. It feels good, when you live around such kind of people. It’s not about who it is , and how one is related to you. Some call it “liking” which is a pretty much a safe word to coin when your are among your friends who keep picking on you with some girl’s or boy’s name. Pretty much by now you would be realizing that the article is titled “what’s love and what’s not”, franking no one knows the answer for what love is. But the later question has millions of answers. Yes, don’t you know what love isn’t? It’s not materialistic. It’s more that what anyone could explain with the combination of 26 English alphabets, it’s just much more than that. God has sent us to  do something in this world, but one sure thing that we wants everyone to do is to be loving and be loved in every way we could. So what would your answer be for the people who hate you, that’s your take. After all you could decide your life better than anyone could. No one knows your life better than you did.

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