Heading No where

In the ship
Headed to the North Star
I geared up will all on board
But as i sailed
The sail ripped apart
I was afloat but not sure where I’m headed
I know thgs might not be worse
In the course
But still being skeptical
On my nautical
Too much thoughts in my head
About the destination
Deep down I know it’s the journey that matters
The fight between the heart mind still ponders
Along I go without the rudder
Looking for the destination
Destination that matters
Along i sail in the boat without rudder
along I sail without the sail and the rudder..
along the wind and the waves...
that makes me ponder ....
gazing at the north star at time
gazing at my self most of the time...
alone I sail..
like a broken snail
at times all this makes we wonder...
am I moving at all ..
or just moving round and round ...