Sunny Smile , eye balls away

Looking at the dawn
waiting for the dusk
there was a little guy
who never could rest
he always wanted to see
he always wanted to see
the perfect little sun
right above the sea
right above the sea

Times went by
and the dates subside
he lost his love
for the sun and the sea
boy became man
and love became lust
not for the sun and not for the sea

The changing moon
and evolving clouds
caught his eye
just holds his eye
no one knew the sun was sad
and so was the sea
so was the sea

Soon he met
a girl he met
who reminded him of the sun and the sea
her wavy hair
and the sunny smile
was all he cared
was all he cared

the lust was lost
and love was found
not just for the sun and the sea
her sunny smile
and twinkle eyes
is all that he cared
but still a little scared
little scared

when the wind just blew
her hair just flew
dancing around
all around her face,
like the waves in space
waves in sea space

The twinkle eye
and the sunny smile
is all that he wants
to face
wants to face

waited he for dawn
waited he for dusk
to just see her face
just see her face
the evolving clouds
and changing moon
now just didn't mean a case
didn't mean a case
 Waited he for wind
so he could see all her hair spin
Like the tailspin
Beautiful tailspin

Waited the sun
at the corner sea
so he could see her grin
that delight grin

then he realized
why did he like
why did he love
when her hair spins
like the tailspin
the tailspin

he saw his sea
he saw his sun
which washes away all his sins
That was the Face
that was her smile
her little sunny smile

Only he saw the sun
only he saw the sea
happy he was it was a disguise
it was in disguise

Didn’t he had to wait for dawn
Didn’t he had to wait for dusk
to see the perfect sun

All was there in her face
in her face
at her very same place
that sunny smile
and wavy hair
is now just eye balls away
Eye balls away

All it does is just smile , smile smile

Looked at her ..
Just once I did…
among the million twinkle..
She stood out…
bright among the darkness …
a little pimple unlike some goddess….
from there on it started …

She followed me where ever I go..
Up the hill..
Down the valley..
I tried to hide behind the mountains…
still she takes a peek-a-boo..
And slowly she wooed..

As time went by ...
I felt lost … and yet found myself
she changed me and was no more than my lady..
And came the day she was just gone …

soaked in solitude...
I walked everywhere too...
running away from night
I met the day ...
there stood someone tall..
Someone bigger…
someone strong..

people hated him
people cursed him
people loved him
people praised him ...
no matter what people said...
he ain't giving a shit at all...
It sits there..
Doesn’t care at all..
Doing what it does best..
Not complaining about the rest..
Among the naughty clouds..
That laugh at it …

All it does is just smile , smile smile …

There she goes !

Hadn't she wings they thought ..
Just a push; she caught ...
Then there she was among the clouds...
Dancing with the stars and befriending clouds...

Singing with the sun ...
Masking herself like the moon.. she goes ...
With the thump... not roaring but glowing ..!

Heading No where

In the ship
Headed to the North Star
I geared up will all on board
But as i sailed
The sail ripped apart
I was afloat but not sure where I’m headed
I know thgs might not be worse
In the course
But still being skeptical
On my nautical
Too much thoughts in my head
About the destination
Deep down I know it’s the journey that matters
The fight between the heart mind still ponders
Along I go without the rudder
Looking for the destination
Destination that matters
Along i sail in the boat without rudder
along I sail without the sail and the rudder..
along the wind and the waves...
that makes me ponder ....
gazing at the north star at time
gazing at my self most of the time...
alone I sail..
like a broken snail
at times all this makes we wonder...
am I moving at all ..
or just moving round and round ...

Sunny Smile

Like  the  sun in the Sunday morning beach..
Up above and shining
Kicking off the gloom
Inspiring things to bloom
Nature has gifted the woman
Wit the wonderful gift..
Not in their sacred body
But on their spiritual face,
The smile..
It can push things to infinity,
And beyond
Pausing the memory line..
Smashing open ego sign..
Her peek-a-boo teeth
Dancing dimple..
I don't know
If it's evolution
Or the angels themselves
Trying to mesmerize
Make believe in mystical forces..
Omg am I high,
No just a passer by
Enjoying the natural smile..

The Traveller

8395 days of learning
shaping the days ahead
the shining sun
the changing moon
were the just thgs that remained same...
learning alot, unlearning few
dancing with the stars
singing in the wind
i wanted a lot
and gained only few
lets see where this journey goes..
to the mighty heavens..
or deep dark hell..
I'm just a lone traveler
waiting to get amused..
with my open hearts
and welcoming arms..

To those Crazy Times...

Looking at the photographs..
Which we all took together..

My frowny face..
And all your crazy smiles..
Didn't I realize that time..

Memories were made..
Timelines were laid..

When things went off track..
When life cycle crashed..

Bury me with these photographs..
Which takes me back to the crazy times...

The roller coaster rides..
And the tastey French fries ..

Didn't know I would miss it so much very bad...

So Bury me with these photographs..
So by any chance..
I could get back to those crazy times..

To see all your crazy smiles
Just one more time...
Just one more time..