All it does is just smile , smile smile

Looked at her ..
Just once I did…
among the million twinkle..
She stood out…
bright among the darkness …
a little pimple unlike some goddess….
from there on it started …

She followed me where ever I go..
Up the hill..
Down the valley..
I tried to hide behind the mountains…
still she takes a peek-a-boo..
And slowly she wooed..

As time went by ...
I felt lost … and yet found myself
she changed me and was no more than my lady..
And came the day she was just gone …

soaked in solitude...
I walked everywhere too...
running away from night
I met the day ...
there stood someone tall..
Someone bigger…
someone strong..

people hated him
people cursed him
people loved him
people praised him ...
no matter what people said...
he ain't giving a shit at all...
It sits there..
Doesn’t care at all..
Doing what it does best..
Not complaining about the rest..
Among the naughty clouds..
That laugh at it …

All it does is just smile , smile smile …

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