Die 4 a Dime or live for a Diamond

I try doing some thg different every time
Not for the sake of earning a dime
I do thing what i feel happy for ..
From taking nap to clicking snaps
Life is what u thk what it is ..
And not what others tell u how it is
I pity ppl who try to make a scrach ...
And end up living life in a sack ..
Frm the day we step in2 this world v start learning
Frm talking, walking and baking
But just dont do it for the sake of faking
No matter , if u make a diamond or dime
Just dont mime , it wont make u better than any sam
The road is always here , u just have to choose ur mode..
It does not matter where u go ...
I am not happy when thgs happen right ..
Try to keep ur heads high and not bow ..
Any one can take my hand ..
I would make u a happy lad ...

hello ... i am all alone (will continue..)

even thought i am standing in the crowd ..
still i walk alone but not like a coward ....
and i am not sad .. nor 'am mad ..
without getting hurt ...
at times i streach my hand ...
when i am pushed into sand ...
tears gush down my cheeks when i see no one 2 care ..
some how i get out ..
and continue without backing out ...
i will walk any road , like a toad ..
through all my mood ..
searching for my gold ......

why do u cry ...(will continue..)

every one cry ..
not really many know why ..
some say itz pain ..
so is there any gain ..
then why do you lie ..
i cant hear it.. but still i knw u bear it ..
i cant stop u frm crying ..
but can frm dying ..
nxt time dont b nay ...
then every thg will b at bay ...
and i will never say bye ..


Its mid night now ...
And the clock is ticking low...
Time seems not to tick ...
I still sit back clicking ...
Watching the time .....
Tomorrow my results out
It tell me whether i am in or out
I am too tensed ...
And i feel no sense...
I call me friend...
To find whether he is bend ...
Lol ! he to feels the same
Dame its so lame ..
I ask me self whtz to worry ..
There r only reason to merry ...
Still some where in me i still fear ...
Hopefully the god hear ...

cheer(s) to my dear !

she stood by me when the breeze blew and when the strom hailed ...
she made me what i am ...
i call her "amma" and she is always there for me ..
i dont want a day to celebrate for her ..
each day being with her is a celebration..
even though i cant pop up a campaign bottle & say cheers..
i try 2 hug her close whenever she gets tears ...
time has come that i can grow a beard ..
but still r u my dear ...
by sreejz to all the mommyz in this world ! ...( will continue ..)