There are lots of people around us, lots of things which we see and listen to . but often without our knowledge things around us get really deep into us down to our subconscious . some might be good , some bad . but whatever happens is without our complete knowledge. Everyone around us wants us to become someone else which we are not really are . this starts right from the childhood , as early as we were 5 ;”be quite like him “.” Don’t be naughty like them”. No matter what , no one can really escape from the comparison factor and everyone some time or other much have experienced it . That how humans have grown and stand tall amidst all other species knows. but whenever someone asks me what I was doing , I really every time wanted to say “being myself “,but i could nt till now.

One of the worlds really difficult task is being oneself. There are lots of things around us that really influence us, right from our friends and our only parents .people really tend to get inclined towards people who they really love and look up to . That’s also the reason why many people take up the profession that their parents so or head their family business. But that’s not all .there are special ingredient in every one that makes one self stand out in a crowd. Even though there might be people who have same interest but it’s not necessary that all of them look into it at the same dimension. The environment around and surrounding us has a lot of role in making a person someone else, someone who he/she really isn’t.

  Right from the day a person is born, no one really is given a choice, the options that he/she is really looking forward to. And this is the very mistake that many of us are making and still fail to correct.everyone feed others with thoughts and no one is really allowed to think. Not only polar bears and other mammals, even human also need to hibernate. Their isolation from normal world will make people think about them and others, what they really want which would make them work towards it. It’s good that we draw inspiration from other, but we ought to make sure that we should inspire (live) our own life, realize what you really want, not what others want from you.

What you really want, and working for it would not make you tired or bored. No one will regret their life if they have really found oneself, even if he would be small or big. Being oneself is the key to unlock oneself and it very much is within our self.

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