butter MAKES ME natter

It was Sunday morning ...
Time was up.. I had 2 go jogging..
Mind dint feel so ..

I wanted to sow myself back within my pillow..
All went right no one home, everything was calm up in my dome ..
Just one thing went wrong ,
My stomach started to drawl, suddenly I started to wear only bones ..
so i thought up this idea ..

I went up to kitchen .. and started up the stove ..
All I knew was make something that would crash my appetite ..

I tried everything .. Nothing worked out at all ..
tried on some eggs they went so mess ..
tried what ever i could , but couldn't make myself a pleasing food ..

I laughed at myself .. and made my self a mess ..
At last I thought nothing is better than butter ...
so got some bread from the grocer ..

sliced some bread and wraped up with butter ..
i took up a bit .. it dintn't taste bitter ..

i then smiled up looking at the mirror..
saying to myself .. u got 2 learn some thing better ..
than just putting butter .. and putting on my sweater ..
would do no good for me this winter ..

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