My evolving hobbies

Whenever I join a new school , or recently when I joined college , the question that shooted up every time is , what is your hobby . with out and desperate thinking I say drawing yup .. I used to draw I am good at pencil sketches that is my answer , no matter how many people ask me how many times . but always I used to think am I really being truthful to myself .

I remember those days , I guess I was 3-4 years old . when ever I get a pencil and paper the picture that I always draw used to the mountains with the rising sun …. I kind of symbol of some political party down here in my place of birth . I still remember those day when my father used to hold my hand and and on something else in the picture I drew to make it more pleasing . from that day I started to draw . drawing was fun more than a hobby and became a way of excuse for me for not doing this I did not like .the house I lived in had many car stuff , calendars , wallpapers key chains , car models ,that was because my dad was working in an automobile sector , then cars became my fascination . i tried sketching out some of the models that Nissan had during that time . From sunny , blue bird and of course the safari patrol . no matter how much time I tried I never once got it right . Still then i was not in the mind set to give it up.
As drawing , the other stuff which I loved doing was eating . I had a great meal every time . but , how much ever I ate I would reject it out as soon through the same way , yes I would vomit it out . that became my way . as time passed by the vomiting part was lost , just as it is said things got to change and it did . Drawing was going good I was learning water coloring and pencil shading , but that later part attracted me more . I did imagine that a single color could give such a greaten dimension to art work . The teacher who was teaching me the new techniques found that I was more inclined towards pencil sketches and would always give me exercise concern to that. My fellow mated would ask me “wont u get bored it’s after all the same color u r working with “. I would just smile, I never said that I liked it . but soon it changed. It was when the teacher proceeded with the next lessons and put me behind with the shading stuff. That made me feel bad, a thought that I have got much to improve raised in my mind.

While all the happened in one side the other side my excitement for eating was just growing twice as me . I would always stand besides my mother in the kitchen and with the pretext of helping her I would always taste the dishes which she is cooking and tell her that there is some thing wrong in her cooking . i would do anything to stand besides her so , I started with cutting vegetables to scraping coconut . we even used to make bets that I could scrape coconuts 2-3 at a time . I actually did all those stuff . I guess that was the time I developed more interested towards cooking and I too started off with what ever I coul d. from making hot and cold beverages to some silly stuff that would give me immense satisfaction .

Time changed when I shifted my base back to india and soon my parents followed . it was from here that the more of cooking started off and less of drawing , I don’t know what really happened . when ever I think about all this I always blame my school for not giving me the right arena to show cast what is in me .

So these days when ever I get a little excited I start cooking . This is how I guess my EVOLUTION OF HOBBIES IS. But still it is keeping evolving .. Yes it is now changing to another .
The next was a complete surprise to me myself . All stated off when it was my cousin’s birthday and I wanted to give him something special so that he would ‘nt forget it ever. so I thought why don’t I write a piece of poem for him , after all he was in Japan for a long time and this is the first birthday that I am seeing him . moreover he is kinda just for jolly guy and I wanted something of that sort so I started off

The day I met my brother…
After a long weather…...
it made me feel better…...
Even though I knew that we couldn’t be together…..
He made me smile, when I walk a mile……
And made me laugh even when I coughed……..
Today I feel I am blessed 2 be u r little brother……..
Even though we don't share the same mother.....

To my surprise it liked it . I showed It to my parents, they thought that here he go my son’s latest fantasy . they too had a valid reason for that thinking . at the age of four I dressed up like super start rajni after seeing his movie basha . at the age of 7 I used to memorize the number plate of all the cars their model and all other crazy stuff .so they thought here I started off with something else that I would not continue for a long time . But the fact was NO I AM . I started off with a tiny blog with the poems that I write and now articles that I think I should write . now its eating , cooking , writing that makes me feel good . I feel indeed great today. still my journey continues …. I still might have more things that will make me feel good, but the only thing that I hope for is at least it does not hurt an one .
My blog will be updated every time as far I can I do .. hope you all enjoy it .. as mask used to say in his cartoons "SOMEBODY STOP ME !! GUESS IT CAN ONLY BE ME.."

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